Students arriving from EU member states should ensure that they request a European health insurance card (EHIC) from their local health authorities before departure from their home countries. Nationals of EU countries who are staying temporarily in the Czech Republic are entitled to receive URGENT necessary medical treatment free of charge. To obtain treatment under the provisions of the European regulation it is important to contact medical institution (doctor, dentist, hospital), which is covered by the contract with the public health insurance system (most of them do - details can be obtained from the health insurance funds).
Your European health insurance card (EHIC), or Provisional certificate has to be submitted to attending physician. If no of above mentioned documents are presented, the physician can insist on cash payment. If non-acute cure needed, the doctor will normally ask you to confirm your expected length of stay in the territory of the Czech Republic and will advise you to choose one of Czech contracting health insurance funds – for non-acute care.
For specialist treatment, you need a referral from a general practitioner (GP). You have to pay 30,- CZK for medical treatment or for standard dental treatment. For some extra dental manipulation and materials participation is to be paid in extra particular amounts. Prescriptions are issued by a doctor, and may be filled at a pharmacy. You may have to contribute to the cost of your drugs or medicines, and this cost is not refundable. To get hospital treatment, you need a referral from a GP except in cases of emergency, when you can go directly to the hospital. In case of urgent medical transport or in case of treatment by doctor of emergency service it is also necessary to present your European health insurance card, E111 or Provisional certificate. Please note that non-urgent or elective treatment which can reasonably be postponed until the persons return to his/her country are not covered, and for these eventualities we recommend you take out extra medical or commercial travel insurance with an insurance provider in your home country.
Non-EU students should ensure that they have private medical insurance or they must expect to pay cash for all medical care. We strongly urge all non-EU international students to consult with their home medical insurance company prior to travelling abroad to confirm whether their policy applies to the Czech Republic and whether it will cover emergency expenses such as a medical evacuation.