Dear student,

thank you for choosing the Third Faculty of Medicine (3FM), Charles University. Please read carefully following instructions:

After signing the application by 3FM will be the application given to the rectorate which will prepare and send acceptance package to the student. 3FM is not informed about the term of sending acceptance package to concrete student.

Study plans
1st - 5th year new accreditation (AVSEOB1)
6th year still former accreditation (AVSEOB)
C = subject finished by credit (no mark). C(+Ex) = subject with possibility to take exam (to receive mark).
Students have to respect the study plans - it is not possible to arrange exams which are not in our study plans, to attend only a part of subject etc.
Accommodation In case of interest tick „accommodation - yes“ in the Erasmus application. Responsible officer: 3FM is not responsible for accommodation process.
Czech language course In case of interest write it to the application.
Calendar of the academic year Term of the stay in WS: 26.9.2025 - 20.2.2026, exception: students of Paediatrics II will start on 19.9.2025
Term of the stay in SS: 20.2.2026 - 3.7.2026
Applications which don't respect these terms will be refused (exceptions: traineeship in Medicine, students of Nursing, Physiotherapy, Dental Hygiene).
Buddy systemWe mediate contact between incoming students and Czech students of 3FM - buddies (1 - 2 per incoming student). If you do not agree with providing your email address to Czech buddy, inform Ms Bendova ASAP.
Insurance 3FM doesn't provide insurance to incoming students. Students have to be insured by sending university or arrange the insurance by their own.
Required vaccination hepatitis B, measles

In case of any further questions do not hesitate to contact us:

On behalf of the Erasmus+ office
MUDr. Jana Danova, Ph.D.
Mgr. Marika Bendova


Dear students,

after your arrival it is necessary to meet me to sign the entrance documents. Before winter semester we arrange collective meeting, before summer semester we have individual meetings.

Please note that all students of Charles University need student card of Charles University. From official beginning of your stay - see your application signed by us (not earlier - you will be not in the system) you can visit one of the card centres of CU: Card centres Please bring your ID card.

After having student card you can set access to internet (Eduroam): Internet access

While being at the practice in the hospital, use your ISIC as a name-badge (clip it on your T-shirt).

You can use it also as a annual pass for the public transport - it is necessary to have valid ISIC and the „stamp“ which you will buy in the sales office in metro. Sales offices

Best wishes

Marika Bendova

Arrival Sheet: erasmus_arrival_information_sheet_prague_2021-2022.doc
Information about Hostivar Hall of Residence: hostivar_informationfornewstudents_2021-22_coronavirus.doc