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en:vademecum:about_study:cu_student_cards [2014/09/15 15:26]
Ing.Jaroslav Valdauf vytvořeno
en:vademecum:about_study:cu_student_cards [2014/09/19 14:08] (aktuální)
Mgr.Marika Bendová [Charles University student cards]
Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
-{{indexmenu_n>13}}====== Charles University student cards ======+{{indexmenu_n>1}} 
 +====== Charles University student cards ======
-{{:en:vademecum:karty.png?300 |}}You only need your valid passport with you – there are 2 types of Student Cards – a simple one, that is issued for free and serves for several purposes concerning your studies (Library, University information systém, etc) or a card that also serves as International Student Identity Card (ISIS) – this can be also used to gain discounts at several cutural and other sites (see  http://www.isic.cz). The issue centre at Information and Advisory Centre of Charles University is the only university centre where you can buy an International Student Identity Card (ISIC). The price is CZK 190,-. ISIC cards can also be bought at branches of GTS International. +{{:en:vademecum:karty.png?300 |}} Your faculty coordinator will give you a coupon which you will show in the ISIC centre for the receiving Student Card. Please do not go to the ISIC centre before the first day of your official stay (see your application), you will be not in the system before the official start of the stay. 
 +There are 2 types of Student Cards – a simple one, that is issued for free and serves for several purposes concerning your studies (Library, University information systém, etc) or a card that also serves as International Student Identity Card (ISIS) – this can be also used to gain discounts at several cutural and other sites (see  http://www.isic.cz). The issue centre at Information and Advisory Centre of Charles University is the only university centre where you can buy an International Student Identity Card (ISIC). The price is CZK 190,-. ISIC cards can also be bought at branches of GTS International. 
en/vademecum/about_study/cu_student_cards.1410787580.txt.gz · Poslední úprava: 2014/09/15 15:26 autor: Ing.Jaroslav Valdauf