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en:vademecum:about_university:catering [2015/08/31 12:00]
Mgr.Marika Bendová [Catering at the Faculty Hospital Královské Vinohrady]
en:vademecum:about_university:catering [2017/03/17 12:05] (aktuální)
Mgr.Marika Bendová
Řádek 2: Řádek 2:
 ==== Buffet at the faculty ==== ==== Buffet at the faculty ====
-Where: at the faculty, ground floor, left side \\ +__Where:__ at the faculty, ground floor, left side \\ 
-What: several main dishes including vegetarian meal \\ +__What:__ several main dishes including vegetarian meal \\ 
-No card is needed \\ +**No card** is needed \\ 
 +The extra price for students in unfortunately available only for Czech citizens. \\ 
 ==== Catering at the Faculty Hospital Královské Vinohrady ==== ==== Catering at the Faculty Hospital Královské Vinohrady ====
-Where: in the faculty hospital, building W [[https://wiki.lf3.cuni.cz/_detail/en/vademecum/fnkv.png?id=en%3Avademecum%3Aabout_university%3Ahow_to_find_us|Map]] \\ +__Where:__ in the faculty hospital, building W [[https://wiki.lf3.cuni.cz/_detail/en/vademecum/fnkv.png?id=en%3Avademecum%3Aabout_university%3Ahow_to_find_us|Map]] \\ 
-What: without a card - 2 meals, with a card - severeal meals including vegatarian meal \\+__What:__ **without a card** - 2 meals, **with a card** - severeal meals including vegatarian meal \\
 The card can be arranged in the office of the catering - building W, 1st floor. The price is 200 CZK and this amount shall be refunded to the student upon its return. The meal have to be offered 1 day before in the machine in the hall of the building W. The extra price for students in unfortunately available only for Czech citizens. \\ The card can be arranged in the office of the catering - building W, 1st floor. The price is 200 CZK and this amount shall be refunded to the student upon its return. The meal have to be offered 1 day before in the machine in the hall of the building W. The extra price for students in unfortunately available only for Czech citizens. \\
-In the building W take place also a supermarket. \\+In the building W take place also a **supermarket**. \\ 
 +Under the building B you can find a **pizza fast food**. \\ 
 +==== Restaurants near to the faculty ====
-==== Restaurants near to the faculty ==== 
-**Krmelec Vršky** - vegan food [[https://www.google.cz/maps/dir/Univerzita+Karlova+v+Praze+-+3.+l%C3%A9ka%C5%99sk%C3%A1+fakulta,+Rusk%C3%A1+2411%2F87,+100+00+Praha-Praha+10/Rusk%C3%A1+777%2F152,+100+00+Praha/@50.0739871,14.4728972,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x470b9371fcace7ab:0x835e0dadfd64733b!2m2!1d14.4738942!2d50.074266!1m5!1m1!1s0x470b937274e5beb3:0xf9c06fab07420d44!2m2!1d14.4765137!2d50.0737145|Map]] \\ 
-**Topo Maschio** pizzeria [[https://www.google.cz/maps/dir/Univerzita+Karlova+v+Praze+-+3.+l%C3%A9ka%C5%99sk%C3%A1+fakulta,+Rusk%C3%A1+2411%2F87,+100+00+Praha-Praha+10/Vr%C5%A1ovick%C3%A1+1220%2F80,+100+00+Praha/@50.0719942,14.4722281,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x470b9371fcace7ab:0x835e0dadfd64733b!2m2!1d14.4738942!2d50.074266!1m5!1m1!1s0x470b9373eee64c1f:0x827e1af841547a99!2m2!1d14.4737269!2d50.06991165|Map]] \\+__Kozlovna Vršovice__ Czech cuisine [[https://www.google.cz/maps/dir/Univerzita+Karlova+v+Praze+-+3.+l%C3%A9ka%C5%99sk%C3%A1+fakulta,+Rusk%C3%A1+2411%2F87,+100+00+Praha-Praha+10/Vr%C5%A1ovick%C3%A1+1220%2F80,+100+00+Praha/@50.0719942,14.4722281,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x470b9371fcace7ab:0x835e0dadfd64733b!2m2!1d14.4738942!2d50.074266!1m5!1m1!1s0x470b9373eee64c1f:0x827e1af841547a99!2m2!1d14.4737269!2d50.06991165|Map]] \\
-**Shopping Centre Eden** - fast food, pizzeria, café etc [[https://www.google.cz/maps/dir/Univerzita+Karlova+v+Praze+-+3.+l%C3%A9ka%C5%99sk%C3%A1+fakulta,+Rusk%C3%A1+2411%2F87,+100+00+Praha-Praha+10/N%C3%A1kupn%C3%AD+centrum+Eden,+U+Slavie+1527,+100+00+Praha+10/@50.0710159,14.4661339,16z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x470b9371fcace7ab:0x835e0dadfd64733b!2m2!1d14.4738942!2d50.074266!1m5!1m1!1s0x470b9376e3f9063f:0x2297ad7e190f7aa7!2m2!1d14.4674957!2d50.0677523|Map]] \\+__Shopping Centre Eden__ - fast food, pizzeria, café etc [[https://www.google.cz/maps/dir/Univerzita+Karlova+v+Praze+-+3.+l%C3%A9ka%C5%99sk%C3%A1+fakulta,+Rusk%C3%A1+2411%2F87,+100+00+Praha-Praha+10/N%C3%A1kupn%C3%AD+centrum+Eden,+U+Slavie+1527,+100+00+Praha+10/@50.0710159,14.4661339,16z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x470b9371fcace7ab:0x835e0dadfd64733b!2m2!1d14.4738942!2d50.074266!1m5!1m1!1s0x470b9376e3f9063f:0x2297ad7e190f7aa7!2m2!1d14.4674957!2d50.0677523|Map]] \\ 
 +==== University catering service ====
 +The list of university catering services you can find here: [[http://kam.cuni.cz/KAMEN-70.html|List]] [[http://kam.cuni.cz/KAMEN-72.html|Information]]
 +==== Other important services ====
 +__Pharmacy__ - in the Faculty Hospital Kralovske Vinohrady, building P or in the Shopping Centre Eden (see above) \\
 +__Mobile operators__ (Vodafone, O2, T-Mobile) - in the Shopping Centre Eden \\
 +__Post office__ - in the Shopping Centre Eden \\
 +__Cast mashine__ - in the Faculty Hospital Kralovske Vinohrady, building H, ground floor or __banks__ (mBank, Raiffeisenbank) in the Shopping Centre Eden
en/vademecum/about_university/catering.1441015203.txt.gz · Poslední úprava: 2015/08/31 12:00 autor: Mgr.Marika Bendová