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Where: at the faculty, ground floor, left side
What: several main dishes including vegetarian meal
No card is needed
Where: in the faculty hospital, building W Map
What: without a card - 2 meals, with a card - severeal meals including vegatarian meal
The card can be arranged in the office of the catering - building W, 1st floor. The price is 200 CZK and this amount shall be refunded to the student upon its return. The meal have to be offered 1 day before in the machine in the hall of the building W. The extra price for students in unfortunately available only for Czech citizens.
In the building W take place also a supermarket.
Under the building B you can find a pizza fast food.
Krmelec Vršky - vegan food Map
Topo Maschio - pizzeria Map
Shopping Centre Eden - fast food, pizzeria, café etc Map
The list of university catering services you can find here: List Information
Pharmacy - in the Faculty Hospital Kralovske Vinohrady, building P or in the Shopping Centre Eden (see above)
Mobile operators (Vodafone, O2, T-Mobile) - in the Shopping Centre Eden
Post office - in the Shopping Centre Eden
Cast mashine - in the Faculty Hospital Kralovske Vinohrady, building H, ground floor or banks (mBank, Raiffeisenbank) in the Shopping Centre Eden