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Library - Center of Scientific Information

Information about the Centre of Scientific Information of the Third Faculty of Medicine (CSI), the operation of the library and lending office, the library's web catalogue, and services and other activities can be found on the faculty's website by clicking through to Workplace – Centre of Scientific Information. Up-to-date information and offers are published in the VNS magazine and on the website.

The library and the study room with unrestricted selection are located on the ground floor of the Dean's Office in the left wing at the end of the hallway (close to the buffet room). By passing through the entrance door you enter the borrowing protocol, where documents are borrowed and returned via the computer system. By going through the electronic turnstile, which is operated by a Charles University student ID card, you will pass to the freely accessible storage area and into the study room with unrestricted selection, where you can borrow books for home study or to read in the study room.

The use of the library and the study room is conditional on your registration at the library. To register, all you need is to present your record of examination results or confirmation of study, fill in an application form and familiarise yourself with the rules (Lending Rules of the CSI of the Third Faculty of Medicine). This registration is valid for one academic year only. It must be renewed annually. A Charles University student ID card (with bar code) serves as the library card.

You can use the library to borrow monographies, textbooks, magazines, video cassettes, diploma papers, dissertation and degree theses on request, and special documents, such as CD-ROM and videos. The CSI provides access to purchased electronic resources – 1000 subject-specific e-books plus 30,000 e-journal titles. Electronic resources and databases can be accessed from every computer at the faculty, with the e-resources being made available to students and employees remotely in 2006, which means that they can now also access them from home. The study room is also equipped with a computer with a self-service scanner, which you can use to convert your printed material into digital form, and you can also use this computer to access all electronic resources, including e-books or the internet. The computer is also connected to the network printer located between Syllaba and Burian hall. Things, backpacks, food, beverages and cell phones in the “on” mode may not be taken into the library and the study room. You may deposit these things in the lockable lockers located in the hallway or the entrance hall.


Ivana Šturmová, Ivana Konfrštová
Telephone +420 267 102 103
E-mail knihovna@lf3.cuni.cz
Head of the CSI
PhDr. Martina Hábová
Telephone +420 267 102 547
E-mail svi@lf3.cuni.cz

Information on library services at the commencement of the acad. year 2014/2015

7. 7. – 5. 9. 2014Holiday – open every Wednesday from 9:00 till 11:30
8. 9. – 10. 10. 2014registration of all years

Library opening hours from September 8 till October 10 2014

Monday – Thursday 8:00 – 12:00 13:00 – 15:00
Friday 8:00 – 13:00

Regular opening hours from after October 13 2014

Monday 8:00 – 12:00 13:00 – 16:00
Tuesday 8:00 – 18:00
Wednesday 8:00 – 16:00
Thursday 8:00 – 18:00
Friday 8:00 – 14:00

Bring your confirmation of study („index”) and green student ID card, ISIC.

At the beginning of the academic year, the CSI holds a sales exhibition of textbooks and specialist medical literature (both Czech and foreign language books) for students as well as teachers, where you can purchase study literature at significant discounts. These exhibitions are announced in the Karolínka magazine, and on the CSI's website and notice board. The CSI publishes a faculty magazine – the Vita Nostra Servis weekly, which has up-to-date information from the faculty for students and staff (a printed version of which is available in the faculty's entrance hall, and its electronic version is posted on the faculty's website.
The self-service equipment located between Syllaba and Burian hall allows students to copy and print documents. All you need to print and copy documents is your student ID card and sufficient credit. A price list and instructions on how to operate the printing system are posted on the CSI's website. Printed information is available at the library.

Freely available computer workstation in the library

Access: during the CSI library opening hours Enables: Internet access, printing via SafeQ, scanning, burning.
The computer is equipped with an MS Windows operating system.

en/vademecum/about_university/library.1410788565.txt.gz · Poslední úprava: 2014/09/15 15:42 autor: Ing.Jaroslav Valdauf