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en:vademecum:current_information:application_procedure [2025/02/14 13:22]
Mgr.Marika Bendová
en:vademecum:current_information:application_procedure [2025/02/14 13:27] (aktuální)
Mgr.Marika Bendová
Řádek 18: Řádek 18:
 After signing the application by 3FM will be the application given to the rectorate which will prepare and send acceptance package to the student. 3FM is not informed about the term of sending acceptance package to concrete student. After signing the application by 3FM will be the application given to the rectorate which will prepare and send acceptance package to the student. 3FM is not informed about the term of sending acceptance package to concrete student.
 \\ \\
-|[[https://is.cuni.cz/studium/eng/predmety/index.php?do=prohl&dlpar=YToxOntzOjg6InByZWRtZXR5IjthOjE6e3M6Mzoic2tyIjtzOjQ6IjIwMjUiO319&oborplan=&fak=11120&druh=M&oborsims=&obor_mode=text&obor=&platny=0&platny=1|Study plans]]1st - 5th year new accreditation (AVSEOB1)6th year old accr. (AVSEOB)| C = subject finished by credit (no mark). C(+Ex) = subject with possibility to take exam (to receive mark).\\ **Students have to respect the study plans - it is not possible to arrange exams which are not in our study plans, to attend only a part of subject etc.**|\\+|[[https://is.cuni.cz/studium/eng/predmety/index.php?do=prohl&dlpar=YToxOntzOjg6InByZWRtZXR5IjthOjE6e3M6Mzoic2tyIjtzOjQ6IjIwMjUiO319&oborplan=&fak=11120&druh=M&oborsims=&obor_mode=text&obor=&platny=0&platny=1|Study plans]]\\ 1st - 5th year new accreditation (AVSEOB1)\\ 6th year still former accreditation (AVSEOB)| C = subject finished by credit (no mark). C(+Ex) = subject with possibility to take exam (to receive mark).\\ **Students have to respect the study plans - it is not possible to arrange exams which are not in our study plans, to attend only a part of subject etc.**|\\
 |[[https://www.lf3.cuni.cz/3LFEN-930.html|Timetables]]||   |\\ |[[https://www.lf3.cuni.cz/3LFEN-930.html|Timetables]]||   |\\
 |[[https://www.cuni.cz/UKEN-365.html|Accommodation]]| In case of interest tick "accommodation - yes" in the Erasmus application. Responsible officer: <erasmus@ruk.cuni.cz>. 3FM is not responsible for accommodation process.|\\ |[[https://www.cuni.cz/UKEN-365.html|Accommodation]]| In case of interest tick "accommodation - yes" in the Erasmus application. Responsible officer: <erasmus@ruk.cuni.cz>. 3FM is not responsible for accommodation process.|\\
en/vademecum/current_information/application_procedure.1739535748.txt.gz · Poslední úprava: 2025/02/14 13:22 autor: Mgr.Marika Bendová