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Important phone numbers

Emergency numbers in the Czech Republic

Emergency Medical Service 155
Police Emergencies 158
Fire Brigade 150
Foreign Police + 420 974 832 418

Department of faculty - ERASMUS+ coordinators

Vice-Dean for International Affairs
Assoc. prof. Alexander Martin Čelko, M.D., PhD.
phone number +420 267 102 485
e-mail martin.celko@lf3.cuni.cz
room 336, 3rd floor
Academic coordinator
Jana Dáňová, M.D., PhD.
phone number +420 267 102 336
e-mail jana.danova@lf3.cuni.cz
room 336, 3rd floor
ERASMUS+ Administrative coordinator
Mgr. Marika Bendová
phone number +420 267 102 201
e-mail marika.bendova@lf3.cuni.cz
room 205, 2rd floor
Office Hours of ERASMUS+ office
Monday 9.00-11.30 13.30-15.00
Tuesday 9.00-11.30
Wednesday 9.00-11.30 13.30-16.00
Thursday 9.00-11.30 13.00-15.00
en/vademecum/phone_numbers.1410202604.txt.gz · Poslední úprava: 2014/09/08 20:56 autor: Ing.Jaroslav Valdauf