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wiki:welcome [2014/09/08 19:46]
Ing.Jaroslav Valdauf odstraněno
wiki:welcome [2020/07/29 11:35] (aktuální)
Řádek 26: Řádek 26:
 DokuWiki is an Open Source project that thrives through user contributions. A good way to stay informed on what's going on and to get useful tips in using DokuWiki is subscribing to the [[doku>newsletter]]. DokuWiki is an Open Source project that thrives through user contributions. A good way to stay informed on what's going on and to get useful tips in using DokuWiki is subscribing to the [[doku>newsletter]].
-The [[http://forum.dokuwiki.org|DokuWiki User Forum]] is an excellent way to get in contact with other DokuWiki users and is just one of the many ways to get [[doku>faq:support|support]].+The [[https://forum.dokuwiki.org|DokuWiki User Forum]] is an excellent way to get in contact with other DokuWiki users and is just one of the many ways to get [[doku>faq:support|support]].
 Of course we'd be more than happy to have you [[doku>teams:getting_involved|getting involved]] with DokuWiki. Of course we'd be more than happy to have you [[doku>teams:getting_involved|getting involved]] with DokuWiki.
wiki/welcome.1410198380.txt.gz · Poslední úprava: 2014/09/08 19:46 autor: Ing.Jaroslav Valdauf